World Bicycle Day 2020 New Event

World bicycle Day 2020

World Bicycle Day Event Information Dehradun

World bicycle Day 2020

On this World Bicycle Day during this Coronavirus Pandemic Let’s celebrate this day with your bicycle at HOME, you may choose any of the following activity.

  • Cycling at your home
  • Clean your Bike and make Dust Free
  • Share your cycling story on Social Media
  • Ride upside down
  • Click the image with your bike
  • Your first day of cycling

    ONLY HOME activities All participators will be provided e-certificates.
    if anyone interested Call me on 9412149669 for more information.
    Dehradun, India (Exact venue to be decided)

Bicycle Day Celebrated On 3June

In April, the United Nations General Assembly declared 3 June as World Bicycle Day, acknowledging the “uniqueness, longevity, and versatility” of the bicycle. For a long time now, the bicycle has been identified as a sustainable mode of transport that is easy, affordable, reliable, clear, and enhances urban mobility and access. 

 The Assembly welcomed communities around the world to organize bicycle rides and other such events to promote physical and mental health and well-being and develop a culture of cycling in society. Several Indian cities participated in the celebrations in different ways.

Logo Of World Bicycle day

World bicycle Day 2020

Isaac Feld with the assistance of Professor John E. Swanson designed the logo for this Day. It symbolizes various types of bicyclists around the globe. The basic message is to show that the bicycle belongs to and serves all of humanity.

Why Celebrate World Bicycle Day Facts of Bicycle Day

  • The bicycle is a simple, affordable, reliable, and environment-friendly means of transportation.
  • The bicycle can serve as a tool for improvement and a source of access to study, health care, and sport.
  • The usage of a bicycle gives the user an immediate awareness of the local environment.
  • The bicycle is a symbol of sustainable transportation and fuel saving.

Importance and Effects of World Bicycle Day

  • Encourages the Member States to devote particular attention to policies and programmers to include the bicycle in national and sub-national development.
  • Encourages the Member States to improve road safety and integrate it into sustainable cycling mobility to protect pedestrian safety.
  • Encourages stakeholders to emphasize the use of the bicycle as a means of strengthening education, including physical education, preventing disease, promoting tolerance, mutual understanding, and facilitating social inclusion.
  • Encourages the Member States to adopt best practices and means to develop and promote the culture of cycling in society.

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